**3 Minute Read**
The Fascination with Cars
In this blog post brought to you by Carnections we’ll explore the different varieties and styles of vehicles that have attracted Americans throughout the years. The number of makes and models of cars that are produced every year has grown from a number you could count on a set of hands in the 1910’s to six figures in modern day. Everyone is looking for a unique driving experience, a color that sets them apart or a vehicle that is more efficient than generations of the past. While most people can agree that driving a convertible sports car along the coast is an enjoyable time, the tastes and preferences of individuals do vary quite a bit!
What makes a car desireable?
In the late seventies and early eighties when the DeLorean grew to fame through the Back to the Future movies and iconic car builder John DeLorean, there were some car collectors who were obsessed with the polished aluminum look that DMC had introduced with the DeLorean. While others were following in the footsteps of Steve McQueen and falling in love with air-cooled Porsches and front engine roaring muscle cars. No matter your preference in cars, if you’re enjoying the feeling of being behind the wheel it’s safe to say you are doing it right!
The Market for Collectible Cars
With more money floating through the economy, manufacturers developing new technology and engines producing more horsepower than ever, how has the car collecting landscape evolved? According to VinWiki, a popular source for automotive facts and information, in the year 2000 there were roughly 10,000 cars sold for over $100,000 worldwide over the span of one year. While this may seem like a lot and adds up to a total of $1B, in 2020 it is estimated that over 250,000 vehicles costing over $100,000 will be sold brand new in just a single year. What this shows is the expanding market for collectible, exotic cars and trucks and how the desire for these cars has grown alongside the US economy. But not only have the amount of cars worth over $100,000 brand new increased, the number of collectible cars such as Ferrari GTO’s, Mercedes 300SL’s and 1950’s Porsche 356’s that are worth six figures or even well into the seven figures are also skyrocketing!
Whether you’re a fan of old square body trucks, 70’s vans or new model sports cars as long as you are enjoying yourself in a safe manner Carnections supports your hobby! There isn’t enough room in the world of automotive enthusiasts for judgement or hate, we’re all into the same hobby and are forming similar bonds with powerful machines.
Shipping Valuable Cars Safely
With 31 years’ experience shipping cars we know the care and attention to detail it takes to handle expensive cars, collectibles and sentimentally valuable vehicles to ensure that they arrive in the same condition they left in. The next time you need to transport, ship or move your beloved truck, van or car we truly hope you give Carnections a call! We transport to car shows, racetracks, storage facilities, and across the country. Anywhere in the United States that you could ever want to go, we can take your vehicle there!